What is Medicare?

You most likely have already paid into the program through Social Security taxes.

Because everyone’s needs are different, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to Medicare. Preparing yourself with the right information is important, and one of the best ways to navigate the process. We have prepared this overview for you so that you have options to consider.

Turning age 65?

Follow your Path to Medicare.

Do I qualify for Medicare benefits?

Turning age 65?

If you meet the following eligibility requirements, you can enroll in Medicare as early as three months before your 65th birthday month:

  • You’re a U.S. citizen or permanent resident for at least five consecutive years

You can get hospital coverage (Medicare Part A) with no premiums if you the meet the requirements above, and:

  • You already get retirement benefits from Social Security or the Railroad Retirement Board
  • You are eligible to get Social Security or Railroad benefits but have not yet filed for them
  • You or your spouse had Medicare-covered government employment for at least 10 years

Under 65?

If you meet the following eligibility requirements, you can enroll in Medicare as early as three months before your 65th birthday month:

  • You are a U.S. citizen or permanent resident for at least five consecutive years, and
  • You have a disability or End-Stage Renal Disease and meet certain requirements

You can get hospital coverage (Medicare Part A) with no premiums if you meet the requirements above, and:

  • You have received Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board disability benefits for 24 months
  • You have End-Stage Renal Disease and /or meet certain requirements

When you turn 65, Medicare Parts A and B are available from the U.S. Government.

Hospital Coverage: Part A

Part A helps pay for inpatient hospital stays or skilled nursing facility stays after a covered hospital stay. It also helps pay for some home health care and hospice care. Medicare works the same way throughout the U.S.A. with any provider that accepts Medicare patients.

Medical Coverage: Part B

Part B helps pay for services like doctors’ visits, lab test and some diagnostic screenings not covered by Part A hospital insurance. Various medical equipment and supplies are also covered. Dental, vision, hearing and prescription drug benefits are not included.

Part C refers to Medicare Advantage plans.

Medical Coverage: Part C

Medicare Advantage (Part C) plans are Medicare-approved, but offered by private insurers. They combine hospital costs, doctors’ visits, outpatient care, and often Part D prescriptions drug coverage, into one plan. Some plans may offer vision, dental, and hearing and/or health programs, at an extra cost. These plans often require you to pay co-pays. The doctors and hospitals you go to are usually part of a network. You may also need a referral to see a specialist if you choose a Medicare Advantage Part C.

Part D helps pay for prescriptions

Prescription Drug Coverage: Part D

If you have Medicare Parts A and B, this plan can be purchased separately to help cover prescription drug cost. These plans are offered by Medicare-approved private insurers-costs and covered drugs vary from plan to plan.

Part D works with a Medicare supplement (MediGap) insurance plan, or on its own. You can also get Part D benefits through some Part C plans.

For more details and information on Part D, visit online at www.Medicare.gov .

Parts A and B pay:
  • All fees for covered stay in the hospital except the Part A deductible and co-insurance amounts
  • About 80% of Part B covered doctor and outpatient medical expenses (after the annual deductible is met)
You pay:
  • The Part A deductible and co-insurance amounts that apply 2017 deductible: $1,316.
  • Usually a Part B premium
  • About 20% or more of Part B medical expenses
  • Part B Medicare requried annual deductible 2017 deductible: $183.
Part C pays:
  • Covered services based on fixed fees
You pay:
  • Part B premium

And depending on your plan:

  • Part C premium
  • Co-payments for doctors’ visits
  • Deductibles
Each year, Part D pays:
  • For covered prescriptions included on the formulary (a list of covered drugs based on the plan selected)
  • Varying shares of those covered prescriptions costs until you reach $3,301** in yearly drug costs
  • Most of the covered prescription costs after your yearly drug costs hit $4,850**
Each year, you pay:
  • Monthly premiums
  • You share costs with the plan until the combined total hits $3,310**
  • 58% of the cost of generic drugs and 45% of the cost of most brand name drugs until you reach $4,850** in out-of-pocket costs
  • Small co-pays or co-insurance for prescription drug costs until year’s end, after your yearly drug costs hit $4,850**

**Out of pocket expenses based on 2016 data

Your options at a glance.

Your Medicare Decision Path

Choose your path

Medicare Parts A & B

Hospital (Part A) and medical (Part B) coverage through the US Government, both available when you are age 65.

Cover my Prescriptions

Part D helps pay for medications not covered by Medicare Advantage through private insurance companies.

Explore my MediGap Choices

Medicare supplement, also known as MediGap insurance plans pays the out-of-pocket costs Medicare does not. No Networks.

Choose my MediGap Plan

Review your options and make your decision.

Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C)

Hospital and medical coverage through private insurance companies, available when you are age 65. (Medicare Parts A & B are included)

Cover my Prescriptions

Some Part C plans offer Part D drug coverage and some plans may have an extra cost or premium.

Explore Part C Choices

Different Medicare Advantage plans are available in many areas of the USA. Generally, You must use their network hospitals and their network doctors to be fully covered.

Choose my Part C Plan

Review your options and make your decision.

Why choose a Medicare Supplement also know as a MediGap insurance policy?

Not all expenses are paid for by Medicare Parts A & B

Part A can still leave you with hospital deductibles and co-insurance, and Part B only pays about 80% of covered medical services.

There is a way to get help with some or all the out-of-pocket expenses that Medicare does not pay.

Medicare (MediGap) supplement insurance helps pay some of the out-of-pocket expenses.

Medicare (MediGap) supplement insurance plans are U.S. Government Standardized, and are available through private insurance companies. They help pay some or all of the out-of-pocket expenses not paid by Medicare Parts A and B. These plans can help to give you more control over your health care, because you can visit any doctor in the USA who accepts Medicare patients. And you never need a referral to see a specialist.

Depending on the plan you choose, Medicare (MediGap) supplement insurance pays:
  • Part A co-insurance and most plans pay the hospital deductible.
  • About 20% or more in out-of-pocket costs not paid by Part B.
And you pay:
  • Monthly premiums
  • Limited out of pocket costs.

Please note that benefits of a MediGap plan and cost vary depending on the Plan chosen*.
See the chart showing Plan: A,B,C,D,F,G,N. or call a MediGap Guy at 1(888) 832-1953.

Experience and expertise is the hallmark of MediGapByPhone and "The MediGap Guys"

When you choose a Medicare (MediGap) Supplement plan from MediGapByPhone, you will be in good company. You will be joining hundreds already enrolled in plans offered from the strongest insurance companies.

MediGapByPhone is committed to improving the quality and effectiveness of healthcare for all Americans. We offer guidance to help people, just like you, find the right insurance plans to meet your needs now and in into your retirement golden years.

Since healthcare is the leading costs during your retirement, we say:
“These days you have to get the most for your dollars”

Need help understanding all of your options?

Contact stephen@MediGapByPhone.com       1(888) 832-1953

The MediGap Guys”

We Shop...You Save...Time & Money, on MediGap plans!

​Not connected with or endorsed by the US Government nor the federal Medicare program and any State Insurance Department. Medicare supplements, also know as MediGap plans are offered and soled by major USA insurance companies.